How To Make Printable Money Envelopes For Children Using Word

Another school year is right around the corner, so before you get all busy with the preparations, how would you like to prepare some fun and neat ideas for motivating and rewarding your children? Whether it’s for a job well done in school or doing chores, you can award kids with small amounts of money. Not only will these be a great prize to have, with the right approach, this will teach them the value of money as well as help them learn how to save and budget even at an early age.


The Printable Money Envelope Template for Word is a fun, beautiful, and colorful template that you can use to give money to children. This printable money envelope will help you not only motivate kids of all ages, but also teach them many things, from animals to chores, to the value of money and work.

Easy Printable Envelope for Word

The template is set on a standard sized paper, and is printer-ready. It also has broken lines that serve as your guide for cutting and folding the paper to form a money envelope. The envelope itself features different kinds of zoo animals, which children will really love and easily identify. This provides an educational factor, as children will learn about these animals right from the envelope. The animals include giraffe, elephant, cheetah, gorilla, tiger, and many more.


Use for Money, Notes and More

This printable money envelope is not only great for money, it is also great for putting in notes as well as invitations, especially for safari or animal themed events such as birthday parties.


This free Word template can be easily customized by typing in your name through an inserted text box or a cleverly designed WordArt. You can also use different kinds and colors of paper to further personalize your own invitation.

Go to Download Printable Money Envelope for Children in Word

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