How Many Slides for 45 minutes or 1 Hour Long Presentation

The duration of the presentation and the number of slides have always been related, but the glitch here is that your slides do not need to be analogous with time length of the presentation. There are numerous queries about how many slides for 45 minutes or 1 hour long presentation; these enquirers need to understand certain points to clarify their doubts.
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Understand Your Topic
This is a vital requirement. It is obviously according to the importance of your topic that the time frame is allotted, hence it is also crucial that you carry out an in depth research to be able to select the appropriate sub topics that will be highlighted in the presentation.
Analyze the Content Requirement and Its Distribution
Your presentation may require extensive content, or just a few words might be sufficient. This is where your discretion is crucial. Avoid equating the length of your presentation with the amount of content; do not overload it with unnecessary details. Focus on including only the relevant material to keep your audience engaged. Additionally, consider how you plan to deliver your presentation: will you be using slides on a projector, or relying solely on your public speaking skills without PowerPoint? If you’re considering the former, you might want to explore some of the portable projectors for business presentations that are available in the market.
Practice to Ensure Proper Time Division
Do not judge without practicing; if you have allotted 2 minutes to every slide then make sure that the time is utilized properly. The time can vary according to the points covered in the slide.
Do not forget to carve out some time for discussions. The intelligent approach is to carry out some interaction with the audience at regular intervals. There are many extempore speakers who can speak on a topic for any given time, so they usually do not require too many slides. But do not forget your listeners will get bored if they are made to stare a slide for long.
Related: How many slides for 30 mins presentation
So, how many slides for a 45 minute presentation?
Following the previous advices, plus the 10/20/30 rule, if a presentation of 20 minutes takes 10 slides, a 45 minute presentation would take between 20 and 25 slides.
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The presentation technique is your sidekick so make efficient use of it. Integrating some relevant and interesting video will be an intelligent effort. Furthermore, catchy captions and sharing of interesting facts also keeps the interest of the audience intact and you are able to add more subject to your demonstration. To make effective presentations and adhere to the required timing, you may use a timer widget or add-in in PowerPoint or learn how to set a 15 minutes timer for a presentation.
Most presenters take the interactive approach and arouse so much excitement in the audience that they too actively participate and portray their skills. Although not everyone can do that until highly experienced or talented, the neophytes must try to take one step at a time.
And, how many PowerPoint slides for a 60-minute presentation?
How many PowerPoint slides for a 60 minute presentation? If the presentation last for one hour, it may be considered as a long presentation for many presenters, and the audience. However, take in mind that in most 1-hour presentations, there is room for Q&A questions, so the exact number of slides to include in a 1-hour presentation may vary a lot, depending on the specific needs. We would recommend to stay with around 20-25 slides as much for a 60 minute presentation.
The ideal number of slides for a 45-minute or one hour-long presentation is a common question by presenters preparing a presentation for the first time. The key here is that the rehearsal phase of a presentation (the time you spend while rehearsing your presentation) will determine the optimal time to use in your final presentation, be it 45 minutes long, 60 minutes long, or any other length.