Get Live Audience Feedback During Presentations with EasyPolls

Conducting a PowerPoint presentation is one of the best ways to send your message to an audience. It can also be used for training and education, as well as in persuading an audience. However, the problem with presentations is that it’s sometimes hard to gauge if your audience understood your slideshow or if they’re even listening. EasyPolls is a web based polling system which allows conducting live polls anytime, anywhere.

Many presenters use live response systems in order to get feedback and opinions from their audience after every slideshow. These live response systems allow you to get real-time feedback whether you’re conducting presentations in person or online.


Choose from a Variety of Poll Designs

With EasyPolls you can create new polls online from within a web browser. The web based interface comes with a variety of poll layouts that you can choose from to generate your poll, with a preview for the web and mobile version of your poll.

Poll Designs


When creating your polls, you can create multiple choice questions. You can also allow respondents to select more than one option in the question. Once a poll is generated, you can also use the embed code to add the poll to your website. Furthermore, you can also insert a YouTube video or image via URL to add to your poll.

Configure Poll Settings

You can also configure additional settings for your polls via the Options menu. From here you can choose to show or hide vote count, enable Facebook Like button and Facebook comments, as well as set labels for your polls to show your audience specific messages according to need.

Easy Poll Settings

You will have to be logged in to your EasyPolls account to be able to save your polls. Once saved, your poll link will appear.

Preview your Poll

You can get started with EasyPolls by signing up for a free account.

Go to EasyPolls

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