Free Service Agreement Template For Word

A Services Contract or Agreement is a written document, signed by both parties, indicating that a supplier will provide a particular service to a client or company for a specific timeline and within set regulations. Such a agreement needs to cover all bases and needs to be well-written and detailed as well. The Free Service Agreement Template for Word makes creating service agreements easy by providing a framework from which you can input your information and specific service guidelines.

Simple and Standard Services Contract

Standard Service Agreement Template

This Free Service Agreement Template for Word is a simple yet standard service agreement that you can use when you require services from a third-party supplier. This agreement template defines the parameters of the service that is going to be provided and sets ground rules and definitive ways of working.

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This standard two-page template for Word has 17 relatively short sections that enumerate the various details involving the services that the supplier is going to provide.

Comprehensive Service Agreement

This Service Agreement Template contains the names and addresses of both the company and the supplier. It contains the duration of the agreement, which is the time that the supplier is going to provide the service to the company or the client. This template also lets you specify the type of services going to be contracted, any specific instructions for doing the service, and whether the supplier is going to be providing the service exclusively to the company within the duration of the agreement.

Well-Written and Detailed Contract

This agreement also defines breach of contract terms. It elaborates on the supplier fees and the frequency and method of payment. It states who is responsible for taxes and for any expenses incurred in the duration of the project. It indicates who or what department will oversee the services.

This is a well-written template and you can add more details and your own guidelines to the template, depending on the need of your company and the project involved with the service acquired.

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