Employment Handbook Template For Word
For every business organization, employees need to have a handbook where they would base their policies, procedures, behavior and work ethics. Employee handbooks are a small investment with great returns when it comes to employee morale, performance, behavior, and obedience and response to standards and protocols. It enables both parties to meet eye to eye, so there are no misunderstandings when it comes to work, benefit or compensation, behavioral and standard expectations.

The Employment Handbook Template for Word is one of the free Word templates that help companies, whether a start-up or big or small, to have a clear, well-organized, and professional-looking employee manual or handbook.
This Employment Handbook Template helps human resources personnel or small to mid-sized business owners to create a handbook that will effectively acquaint employees with the working conditions, policies, procedures, and employment benefits of the company or organization.
Generic Template Suitable For Any Company
The format and template of the Employment Handbook for Word is simple, straightforward and suitable for any business or organization. The headings and subjects like Building Security, Employee Background Check, Absence and Lateness, Confidential Information and Nondisclosure and many others are applicable policies to any company. However, it is also easy for the users to add other chapters or subjects they would wish to cover or are specific in their industry.
Comprehensive Table of Contents
The Table of Contents can automatically update as you work on your employee handbook, giving exact page locations for easy access and reference to employees. Furthermore, the topics are organized clearly and effectively, making it easy for managers, supervisors, employees, or any member of the organization to look for and locate the topic they wish to know or read about. The chapters include:
- Introduction – includes the welcome message and history of the company
- Employee Definition and Status – defines the roles and status of each employee
- Employment Policies – gives details to mandatory laws that need to be followed by the company. This also includes any policies brought forth by the company itself.
- Standards of Conduct – this includes the General Guidelines, and protocols and policies when it comes to attendance and punctuality, absences and tardiness, harassment, violence in the workplace, dress code, use of company property, and many others.
- Compensation Policies – this gives a detailed set of information on the benefits that the employee gets, how their payroll, salaries and performance are assessed, how they get extra pay, and when paydays are scheduled
- Group Health and Related Benefits – tackles health and dental insurance coverage for employees, including other mandatory compensation as set by the government
- Time-Off Benefits – for vacation and sick leaves, holiday pay, leaves of absences and similar matters
- Expenses – for any expenses that the company covers and any reimbursement procedures that are required in the job
- Employee Communications – details the various ways management communicates with the staff and other ways of organizational communication.
This template also has an Acknowledgment Page where employees sign their name and the date of receipt of the handbook. Also, the Employment Handbook Template has Appendices at the end of the document for users to add other documents that are not included in the main handbook.
[Update 2023]:
This template is not available anymore. Unfortunately, it was removed from the target link. Alternatively, you can use the following Handbook Employee Template.
Alternative HR Handbook Template from GraphicRiver
Go to GraphicRiver