Create Web Based Interactive Timelines With Tiki Toki Timeline Maker

Tiki Toki is a web based timeline maker which enables creating beautiful timelines using text, videos and images. Tiki Toki supports fetching web based content via URL (including YouTube and Vimeo), which makes it possible to easily insert images and videos to create interactive, sharable timelines.

Create a New Timeline with an Intro, Credit & Background Image
To start using Tiki Toki, sign up for a free account and begin making your timeline by filling out the New Timeline form. His form includes the title, start and end date of the timeline, introduction to the content, intro, credit and background image.
You can also enter color codes for a background and highlight color. To fetch an image, you will require providing a URL or you can use the given box as a search tool to fetch and image via Flickr. When making timelines, make sure that you don’t use images that are right protected.
Add Images Text and Videos to Create Your Timeline
Tiki Toki can be a bit overwhelming when you try to make your first timeline. There are a number of options which need to be configured, and each part of your timeline needs to be set by adding a title, image/video, along with other optional settings. A new portion of your timeline means you need to Add a New Story, whereas adding media requires you to enter a URL via the Add Media option. While there are tooltips to provide you with instruction at each step, the interface is still too elaborate and confusing to begin with.
Reveal Parts of Your Timeline on Mouse Click
As you proceed with making your timeline, each ‘Story’ is displayed in interactive form and can be revealed upon mouse click.
The revealed story can contain images, videos, and text, so you can easily incorporate anything from an infographic, relevant image, or a YouTube video to build upon your story. This approach is quite different from presentation tools like PowerPoint and gives the user a lot of space to develop creative ways to present data. The interface of Tiki Toki itself resembles the timeline of a video editing tool.
Alternatively, you can create your own timelines in PowerPoint, using shapes or editing a pre-designed timeline template. Check out here some of the best timeline templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides.
Tiki Toki Introductory Video
To see how Tiki Toki works, see this developer’s introductory video.
Tiki Toki also has a paid desktop version with a free demo that can let you test drive the app. The desktop apps are available for Windows and Mac.
Tiki Toki is only free for making one timeline, which means you need to upgrade your account to be able to properly use the tool. The one timeline is also limited to 200 stories. Moreover, many useful features like the ability to embed your timeline and online collaboration are also limited to paid accounts. However, the single free timeline is good enough for users to get an idea about Tiki Toki and to see if it suits their requirements.
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