
How to Distribute Horizontally and Vertically in PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is a potent tool for creating not just engaging presentations, but also for producing compelling infographics and design materials. Infographics are a powerful way of presenting complex information or data in an easy-to-understand, visually appealing manner. In PowerPoint, the feature that allows users to distribute objects and text horizontally and vertically plays a …

How to Skew Image in PowerPoint

Inspired in the article posted on Whatmakesblog, we can see how to design a skew image in PowerPoint just using shapes and Format Shape options. This can be really helpful to make 3D objects for our PowerPoint presentations. You can transform a normal picture or shape in PowerPoint into skew image by using the Perspective Contrasting …

How to Insert a Line in PowerPoint

Lines are very useful to design diagrams, charts or just remark some ideas. You can also use lines to separate concepts or content in your presentation slide or you can also make awesome arrows with lines. In PowerPoint you can insert lines easily using shapes. To insert a line in PowerPoint just need to go …

How To Draw a 3D Sphere in PowerPoint

In PowerPoint you can make awesome 3D objects using some basic geometric shapes and then applying 3D effects. Here we will show you how to make an awesome realistic 3D Sphere just using a circular shape plus some basic 3D effects instead of using radial gradients (even that you can use gradiant to format a …

How to Create a Ribbon Banner in PowerPoint

You can use PowerPoint shapes to create custom graphics in PowerPoint. Combine and group operations let you merge or subtract shapes easily. This time we’d like to show you how to create a simple diagonal stripe to use in any corner of your slide designs. The diagonal stripe in PowerPoint let you easily add a …