Tutorials & Tips

Survey Report : Conduct Surveys To Find Out What Co-Workers Really Think About You

Ever wanted to know what your colleagues really thought about you? Why not conduct an anonymous survey? Survey Report is a web service that uses the LinkedIn platform to gather anonymous feedback from your professional contacts using surveys. Survey Report provides you with an innovative new way of finding out what your colleagues might think …

How to Make a Development Diamond Diagram in PowerPoint

In PowerPoint you can make a development diamond PowerPoint template by using the PowerPoint radar chart. This kind of diagrams is used for example to compare countries GNP or GDP per capita. You can use this approach to assess the level of development in a given country. But higher per capita income in a country does …

Metal Texture for PowerPoint Background

Metal Texture for PowerPoint Background. You can download this PPT background with metal texture to make awesome PowerPoint templates. Once you download the texture background you can add it as a background image in your slides. Let’s see an example. You can use dark metal background templates for presentations on industry and mechanical presentation slide …

What are Affinity Diagrams

Affinity diagrams help in organizing large amount of data into their natural relationships thereby helping people in making a decision. It is also commonly known as KJ method named after a famous Japanese anthropologist Kawakita Jiro who made efforts to organize small bits of scattered data into a single, time saving affinity diagram. Information present …