
Visualize Data Across Geographic Location in Excel

Complete Geographic Heat Map

Visualizing data concerning locations and geography can be difficult.  Usually, it takes an expert to create this. There are technical aspects to consider involving graphic design and knowledge of the locations. The data and how it is represented must also be accurate. Still, visualizing this information must be done in order to create a more …

How to Make a Geographic Heat Map in Excel

Create Your Own Heat Map

Visualizing data can help you better understand what could be a difficult set of information if you’re just looking at purely numbers. This is why charts, graphs, infographics and geographical heat maps are very useful, not just in reports and presentations, but also in helping you make sense of data. Such visualizations can also help …

Easily Merge Worksheets in Excel with Ablebits Excel Add-In

Select the Table You Want To Update

Data management is critical in any business or organization. It’s important for people to understand and analyze data thoroughly in order to make better-informed decisions. This can also allow people, like managers, executives, and business owners, to plan appropriately based on the available data. Therefore, the information must be correct, complete, and accurate. When using …

Prevedere Forecasting Tools for Predictive Analytics in Excel


Prevedere is recognized as one of the best business intelligence software out there. Now, you can have the power of the best intelligence platform right within Microsoft office. This is because Prevedere is now available as an add-in for Microsoft Excel. Prevedere is one of the world’s best and most revolutionary software when it comes …

Turn Your Data into Explorable Networks in Excel


Working with Excel spreadsheets and analyzing data as well as catching trends can be tedious and time-consuming. However, it must be done. Analyzing data is important, especially at this time when we deal with large amounts of information on a daily basis. To help you make better sense out of your data, you can use …

How to Add YouTube Videos to Excel Spreadsheets


Microsoft Office Excel has been around for quite some time as a popular spreadsheet application. From schools to businesses, it’s been widely used as a tool for storing data and all sorts of formulas. It’s also popular for analyzing and presenting quantitative information that can be used with other Office products such as Word and …