
How to Conduct a Risk Assessment

How to Conduct a Risk Assessment

Assessing risk is important to protect individuals, assets, the environment, etc. Risk assessment is a key element of broader risk management strategies and is used across multiple sectors. If you want to learn about how to conduct a risk assessment, we have a few basic guidelines to help you get started.

How Long Until Robots Take Our Jobs?

How Long Until Robots Take Our Jobs

It’s 2020, and we are fully cemented in the gilded age of technology. This tech-heavy and Internet-centric age that we are living in comes with some advantages and disadvantages. In terms of the job market, many jobs are switching from human-based and analog to automated and digital. Technology has definitely created many jobs, but it …

Key Differences Between Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication

Good communication is one of the foundations of every successful organization. And when faced with a major challenge like a pandemic that forces us to work more remotely, communication within your team must adjust accordingly to keep with the times and keep your members efficient and productive. Recently, the buzzwords “synchronous” and “asynchronous” communication have …

Hockey Stick Growth and What it Means for a Business?

Some businesses experience exponential growth. This is common for startups that have weathered the storm and are ready to make a rapid profit after achieving a sizeable market share or popularity among its customers. The growth pattern for such a business appears like a hockey stick. This line chart has a lot to tell about …