Best Tools to Spell Check Online (FREE & Paid)
Last updated on July 3rd, 2024
Spell checking tools have become quite a necessity when it comes to writing content online. This not only includes drafting emails, PowerPoint presentations, and official documents but also short messages and even social media messages or even long-form articles for blog posts. While many online platforms now offer some type of spell-checking functionality, you can use a number of third-party tools to correct grammatical mistakes and receive spelling suggestions. Below is a list of the best tools to spell check online.
1. Grammarly
Grammarly is one of the best online spell-checking tools. It not only provides corrections in English but also accounts for a number of grammatical differences for American, British, Australian, and Canadian English. You can pick a preferred language version and get suggestions for correcting sentence structure, grammar and make your content more cohesive. Grammarly can also be used as a tool for checking plagiarism. You can use the tool as a Chrome extension, desktop, or mobile app or use Grammarly online via its web app. Grammarly also has a desktop extension for Microsoft Word and Outlook.

2. Ginger
Ginger is another tool that can be used for a quick grammar check online. It works quite similar to Grammarly. Ginger can be used via its Chrome, Safari, or Microsoft Edge extension, from its desktop app for Windows and Mac, as well as via Android and iOS devices. Ginger provides spelling and grammar checks, as well as word suggestions as you type. Like Grammarly, Ginger is a free grammar check tool with a premium version with additional features.

3. Microsoft Editor Extension
Those who don’t have Microsoft Office might wonder how to check grammar and spelling online using a utility similar to the Microsoft Editor. Little do many users know that the tool is also available as a browser extension. You can install the Microsoft Editor extension for Chrome and Microsoft Edge to get the same functionality as its Office version online. Alternatively, you can also use Word Online to use the Microsoft Editor.
The online extension for Microsoft Editor provides support for multiple languages, with the option to get suggestions for spelling, grammar, and language refinements.
4. Google Docs
For those looking for a quick and easy way to check spelling and grammar online, the Google spell check online utility via Google Docs works just fine. Just open Google Docs, enter text and you will instantly receive suggestions to correct mistakes and refine your content.
5. Small SEO Tools
Small SEO Tools is a web app that comes with a range of tools including a free online spelling and grammar checking utility, Plagiarism checker, word counter, article rewriting tool, image to text converter, text to image converter, reverse text generator, etc.
Final Words
With the above-mentioned list of best tools to spell check online, you can be assured of reliable suggestions for spelling and grammar. However, spell-checking utilities always have the tendency to give false positives or lack the ability to pick certain jargons that might not be recognizable through AI. Hence, it isn’t recommended to blindly rely on spell-checking utilities, as doing a bit of proofreading can help you determine which suggestions to use and which to discard for the best possible outcome for your written content.