Best Kanban Software of 2025

Last updated on December 24th, 2024

Best Kanban Software

Kanban is a scheduling mechanism for controlling and formulating an effective production system. It is tied to the just-in-time delivery system for maintaining an effective stock of goods for sale.

Kanban Vs Scrum

Kanban can perhaps also be compared with Scrum, which is an agile software development approach, which takes a holistic product development strategy into account, where a development team works together to achieve required goals.

Kanban focuses on the ability to visualize work, limit the work process, improve workflow and to continuously achieve improvement. Instead of focusing on whether to use Kanban or Scrum, organizations can look to incorporate both for achieving meaningful results and improving their service. This is because both Scrum and Kanban offer the potential for productivity enhancement and better efficiency.


Kanban Software for Business

We have compiled a list of software and tools related to Kanban which you can use for your business.

1. Kanbanize

Kanbanize is a software for visual management of workflow, with online collaboration features and metrics. Kanbanize also has mobile apps for Android and iOS devices, as well as daily backup feature and the ability to add users on demand.


Go to Kanbanize

2. Kanban Tool

Kanban Tool is a visualization tool for teams to work more efficently by improving business processes using models. The Kanban Tool service provides real-time team collaboration, along with analytics and metrics to help plan and improve the performance of projects by planning to make processes more efficient. For more details, see our review of the Kanban Tool.

Kanban tool ( ) with a Kanban board online that you can use for business.

Go to Kanban Tool (now rebranded to

3. Kanban Simulator

You can use this Kanban simulator to simulate your models and processes by playing a simple Kanban simulation game by moving Kanban cards.

Go to Kanbanism

Kanban simulator

4. The Kanban System Game Excel Template

This Excel template contains Macros and provides a Kanban simulation. This game enables you to lead a virtual team each day to cater for your customers. This enables you to identify and plan different scheduling strategies and choose ones which best suit your business.

You can download this simulation as an Excel template via the link given below.

Go to Download Kanban System Game for ExcelKanban Game template for Excel

5. Kanban Template for PowerPoint

This is a free Kanban Template for PowerPoint with a diagram to present Kanban in your slides. This editable template for PowerPoint can be used for presenting topics related to the Kanban approach, the Kanban board, etc.

Kanban PowerPoint template

Go to Download Kanban Template for PowerPoint

6. SwiftKanban

SwiftKanban (by Nimblework) is a powerful and user-friendly Kanban Board Software designed to optimize your team’s workflow and boost productivity.

7. Kanban Template for Excel

Kanban Board template Excel

This Kanban Board template for Excel transforms the way teams monitor the workflow. With no need for additional software, it allows for easy data input and instant visualization of your project. The Kanban board Excel template is a productivity spreadsheet that let you apply the Kanban principles of the Agile methodology using one of the most popular tools.

Go to Kanban board Template for Excel.

Final thoughts

If you are looking for free Kanban Board template for PowerPoint, then the folks at have a great editable Kanban PowerPoint template with sticky notes that you can download and use. You can also check the Kanban board templates (free download) here.

About Farshad

IT professional, communications specialist and Blogger!

One comment on “Best Kanban Software of 2025

  1. We share a lot of information using MS OneNote. It would be great to have a OneNote template for a Kanban board.

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