Best Agenda Slide Templates for PowerPoint in 2025

Last updated on March 7th, 2025

Best Agenda Slides for PowerPoint

When conducting a high-level meeting it is important to go in with a set agenda. This agenda can be presented before participants to build upon the discussion during a meeting to ensure that all important aspects are duly covered. Often, agendas can get lost in translation if the meeting is not conducted in a systematic manner. It is always a good idea to discuss agendas in a sequence and end the meeting with a revision of each agenda item to ensure everything was covered in detail. In this article we will explain everything you need to know about agenda, agenda slides and review some of the best Agenda Slides with predefined styles to use as templates in PowerPoint presentations.

What do you Mean by Agenda?

An agenda is a list of items that are to be discussed, an appointment diary or a schedule. Agendas are used during presentations when scheduling and starting meetings, inviting guests to an event, etc. An agenda helps the audience understand the purpose of an event, meeting or presentation session, as well as to stay abreast with its proceedings. Even when people join a meeting or event late, they can refer to the agenda to understand what they have missed and which session is currently underway.

What is Another Word for Agenda?

An agenda or agenda slide might be replaced with other synonyms or at least terms used synonymously. Some presenters use the term ‘talking points’, especially for presentations on social issues or of academic value. The term might also be used in other presentation types, such as corporate presentations or when delivering a guest lecture. Other words interchangeably used with agenda might include content slide, executive summary, overview slide, index slide, schedule slide or even program slide.

An agenda slide might also be titled as discussion points, talking points or program schedule. Similar to an agenda slide, a slide which concludes a presentation is often called a summary slide or presentation summary, when referring to a presentation slide explaining the primary topics and associated subtopics discussed during the session. A summary slide might be written as a paragraph instead of using bullet lists.

What is an Agenda for a Presentation?

An agenda for a presentation is an introduction to the key aspects of a presentation, summarized for the ease of the audience. Agenda slides are usually placed right after the title slide and consist of a single slide with key discussion points. If the agenda is lengthy, it might be spread over 2-3 slides. If an event includes multiple speakers or activities, the agenda slides also specify this in the form of a schedule. Handouts of agenda slides are often given to the audience to help them keep up with the sequence of topics and schedule ahead. Agenda slides are used during meetings, conferences, webinars and interactive presentations.

What is the Purpose of an Agenda Slide?

Agenda slides help the audience understand the key talking points during a presentation. Since many corporate presentations, webinars, conferences and events are often followed by a Q&A or some type of interactive session, such a slide helps the audience understand at a glance the topics that are to be discussed during the session and prepare for the activities ahead.

For example, corporate presentations are either interactive or are often followed by meetings to discuss different aspects of the agenda points. These might include topics such as revenue projections, market outlook, product launch, etc.

What Should be Included in Agenda PPT?

An agenda slide should always include the most important parts of a presentation, such as the main topics and subtopics. Such a slide is usually created using bullet lists or at least in a format similar to a list. You can also use heading trees to highlight topics and subtopics, e.g. Heading 2 for a topic and Heading 3 for subtopics. The agenda slide should be concise, easy to understand and should be briefly explained by the presenter to further elaborate what each topic or subtopic is about, in order to avoid any confusion among the audience.

For example, if you’re presenting an agenda slide before potential investors, the slide might include a sequence consisting of the topic introduction, an overview of the company, product information, pitch for investors, financial projections and timeline, followed by a conclusion consisting of a call to action.

Do You Need an Agenda Slide?

Just because you can add an agenda slide does not necessarily mean that you always should! Agenda slides can be time consuming and people who have short presentation sessions might not find them as useful. For interactive presentations or an environment similar to a fireside chat, agenda slides might not be needed, as the discussion might be informal and interactive, without a set agenda. The only consideration might be a start and end time for the session. Similarly, students presenting a presentation for an assignment or a teacher during a daily teaching session might not need an agenda slide, since the topic might be too rigid or too fluid for a set agenda.

Recommended template: Free Agenda PowerPoint template

Agenda vs Table of Contents

There are some subtle differences between what is an Agenda slide vs a Table of Contents (ToC).

While an Agenda is a slide summarizing the topics that you will cover during a presentation, the table of contents slide is more an outline of its structure and may include some more specific details about the presentation content.

How do you Present an Agenda?

Be it a presentation session, a corporate meeting or when initiating an event, you can present the agenda by discussing each topic briefly. You should try to avoid reading the agenda like a robot and try to explain each topic and subtopic in detail, with a brief explanation about the talking point. Agendas should be briefly explained and it should not take only a few minutes to explain the agenda. Even for lengthy agendas, the time for explaining them should be under 5 minutes and preferably not more than 2-3 minutes. If you’re wondering how to present agenda slide, these guidelines should be sufficient for you for the purpose.

Meeting Agenda PowerPoint Templates

We have created a list of some of the best agenda slide templates for PowerPoint that you can use for discussing your meeting agendas. These PowerPoint templates can help you present your agenda slides in an organized manner, with visually appealing graphics to emphasize each point according to its relevance.

1. Simple Agenda Slides Template for PowerPoint

This professional agenda PowerPoint template by SlideModel comes with a Modern design which provides sample agenda slides in various attractive layouts. The title slide is followed by sample slides for presenting 3, 4 and 5 agenda points. You can also increase the agenda points in these sample slides according to need. The last two slides come with a tiled interface which resembles the UI of the Windows 8 Start Screen. This tiled interface can help you create attractive agenda slides, with each point displayed in the form of text or an image. Some of the slides also come with agenda slide infographic layouts, providing you with a visually appealing agenda graphic to present before your audience.

You can also see more Agenda themed templates from SlideModel via their archive of Agenda PowerPoint Templates.

Simple agenda template for PowerPoint

Go to Download Simple Agenda Slides Template for PowerPoint

2. Agenda Lists Template for PowerPoint

This agenda PowerPoint template gives 10 sample slides for creating your agenda slides. These slides come in the form of lists, which can be filled out to create slides with your meeting agenda, summary of important points and to elaborate upon each point in detail. The template sports a grey and blue design with white text, keeping the layout simple enough to allow more text to be accommodated in each slide.

Go to Download Agenda Lists Template for PowerPoint

3. Interactive Tabs Template for PowerPoint

One of the hassles of presenting a meeting agenda on a monitor is to switch between the different parts of the agenda from time to time. It can be annoying to go back and forth to find slides which are relevant for discussion, especially when someone points towards a point that exists in previous slides. In such a case an interactive template can be the most relevant to use.

This interactive PowerPoint template gives multiple tabs, each connected to a slide. This means that you can switch between different slides in a single click, by selecting one of the tabs from the top of the screen. Each sample slide comes with interesting layouts and sample clipart which you can easily incorporate in your agenda slides. The template contains 7 sample slides, each displaying tabs linked to all other slides. There is also an 8th slide with instructions regarding how to edit the default links in slides.

Interactive tabs template for PowerPoint

The agenda slides listed above come with unique attributes which can help you conduct your meetings more effectively, using various types of handy layouts. You can download more agenda presentation templates from the links below.

Go to Presenter Media – Interactive Tabs Template for PowerPoint

4. Beautiful Agenda Slides for PowerPoint

Alternatively, SlideModel offers a huge catalog of templates with awesome agenda slides ready to be used in your presentations. Here is a quick preview of some of the templates you can find under the SlideModel catalog.

5. Executive Summary PowerPoint Template

If you’re looking for a template that can help you create creative agenda slides, with a neat looking agenda slide design, the Executive Summary PowerPoint Template can be a good match for your presentation content. Other than PowerPoint, you can also use this as an agenda slide template for google slides. Furthermore, you can also use this template to understand how to create an agenda slide in PowerPoint by using the easy to edit agenda slide layouts in this template.


Go to Download Executive Summary PowerPoint Template

About Farshad

IT professional, communications specialist and Blogger!

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