Presentation Blog

Welcome to the presentation blog. Here you can find articles about presentation topics, PowerPoint and productivity tips. The ideal place to learn more about presentations, find the best in town presentation templates and reviews of products related to presentations and public speaking topics. Learn techniques on how to prepare slide presentation layouts and templates designs.

How to Trim a Video in PowerPoint

Videos are powerful tools for making presentations engaging and dynamic. However, not every part of a video may be relevant to your presentation, and sometimes it’s necessary to trim it to focus on the key moments. In this article, we’ll explore how to trim video in PowerPoint, ensuring your presentations are both professional and captivating. …

How to Make a PowerPoint Read Only

Read-only PowerPoint presentations are a vital tool for professionals who want to ensure their presentations remain unaltered and secure. It is a way to protect your prized presentation from unauthorized changes. Whether you’re sharing sensitive information or simply want to maintain the integrity of your slides when sharing it online, understanding how to use and …

How to Present for an International Audience

Presenting to an international audience can be both a rewarding and challenging experience. As globalization continues to bring us closer together, the ability to effectively communicate across cultures is becoming increasingly important. Whether you’re delivering an important business presentation, academic lecture, or webinar presentation, understanding the nuances of presenting to a diverse audience can significantly …

Eventioo: The Ultimate Collaborative Event Planning Tool

Event planning can be a daunting task, whether you’re organizing a wedding, corporate event, or birthday party. The logistics, guest lists, seating arrangements, and coordination with vendors can quickly become overwhelming. Enter Eventioo, a revolutionary tool designed to simplify and streamline the event planning process. In this article, we’ll delve into the features of Eventioo, …

How to Set Up an Automatic Slideshow in PowerPoint

Presentations are a fundamental aspect of professional and educational communication, offering a structured way to share information and ideas. However, manually navigating through slides can interrupt the flow of a presentation and distract the audience. By setting up your PowerPoint slides to transition automatically, you can deliver a smoother, more professional presentation. This guide will …

How to Replace Font in PowerPoint

In PowerPoint, you can easily use the Find and Replace capabilitiesby accessing the Home tab. However, if you need to replace the font type used for a PowerPoint presentation, there is a Replace Font feature that you can access from the Replace context menu. In this article, we will show you how to change all …