Animated Social Network PowerPoint Template for Social Media Presentations

Marketing strategies and advertisement planning is no longer limited to conventional forms of advertisement across print and electronic media as the importance of social media cannot be ignored. This is why you may require making a presentation about social networking and advertisement strategies to present your plan to market a product via Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, YouTube and other social media websites.

This Social Media Template for PowerPoint presentations and Toolkit is a fully Animated PowerPoint Template with customizable sample slides to create presentations about social media.

Social Media Toolkit

Sample Slides With Social Media Animations

The editable sample slides in this template come with social media themed animations with icons, clipart, networked diagrams and more. You can use these sample slides to create your own presentations by simply adding your own text in the given placeholders or by adding new text boxes, images, clipart, animations, etc. The pre-rendered animations in this template will seamlessly merge with your added content to help you create animated presentations in a matter of minutes.

Social Media Animations

Created Animated Social Media Themed Timelines

Making stunning timelines with social media icons in PowerPoint can help you present your ideas in a sequential way. This social network PPT template design comes with different types of presentation layouts, including sample slides made specifically for creating timelines.

Created Animated Social Media Themed Timelines

These timeline slides not only come with generic icons and clipart but also provide slides for creating presentations by using specific social media themes and topics (e.g. Twitter). Moreover, you can also change the given clipart and icons with your own imagery; to create presentations exactly according to your requirements, without making slides from scratch.

Twitter Timeline For PowerPoint

Useful Social Media Themed Icons, Clipart And Animations

All the icons and clipart in this social media PPT template can be easily moved, copied, edited or replaced across slides, be it the slides in this template or a new presentation file which you have created from scratch. This provides the flexibility to use the various resources in this toolkit for making presentations to suit precise requirements.

Useful Social Media Themed Icons in PowerPoint presentation slides

Social Media Toolkit works with both PowerPoint for PC and PowerPoint for Mac. Alternatively, you can check out some of our free templates like the influencer marketing PPT template and pitch deck.

Go to Presenter Media – Social Media PowerPoint Template

About Farshad

IT professional, communications specialist and Blogger!

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