Animated Signboards PowerPoint Template
Expressing your ideas and concepts in an interesting layout can help you make awesome presentations. Instead of using basic title slides or placeholders, you can depict your title with the aid of animations and attractive graphics to leave a lasting impact on your audience. We have an animated signboards PowerPoint template that can help you highlight your presentation topic in a more meaningful manner.
Editable Slides with Signboards and Placards
The entire template gives a plethora of layouts with animated slides depicting placards and signboards. These come with sample text which can be edited with your own custom message. The layouts provide a diverse range of options for depicting everything from basic text based boards to ones with your added images.
Edit Text and Replace Sample images
You can simply click on any of the text-boxes to add your own text. Your added text will seamlessly gel with the overall layout and become a part of the animated slide. To preview your slide with the animations, go to SlideShow mode in PowerPoint. You can also edit the pre-assigned animation sequences from the Animations Pane in PowerPoint.
There are also slides with image based sign boards. You can replace the images on the boards to create picture slides and collages. The boards give more depth to the added images and can help highlight your pictures.
Make your Text Get Noticed
Whether you want your title slide to be more prominent or wish to reveal a bullet list in animated form, this template can help you do all that with ease. The entire concept behind the template is to reveal important bits of information in a manner that the added text and images get noticed immediately by the audience.
Go to Presenter Media – Animated Signboards PowerPoint Template (Standard)
Go to Presenter Media – Animated Signboards PowerPoint Template (Widescreen)
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