Animated Factory Puzzle Template for PowerPoint
Last updated on October 25th, 2024
Assembly lines can be like pieces of a puzzle, requiring various processes to be completed in a sequence to complete a product. For presentations related to a factory, production process, business venture or to cover topics like industrialization, environmental impact of mass production, you can use the Animated Factory Puzzle Template for PowerPoint by Presenter Media.
Animated Factory Themed Template
The Animated Factory Puzzle Template for PowerPoint provides factory themed slides in animated format. The factory illustrations are available like puzzle blocks, which can be readjusted via drag and drop.
Adjustable Puzzle Pieces in a PPT Presentation
Slides within the template are made up on jigsaw puzzle like pieces which can be quite useful to depict construction related ideas, to arrange fun activities for students in class or to create your own building designs with a bit of improvisation; such as by changing the puzzle pieces by formatting them via PowerPoint Drawing Tools.
Change Factory Building Puzzle Colors
You can change puzzle piece colors to give the factory illustrations your own color scheme. The template contains editable blocks which can be altered using basic PowerPoint options by formatting the color and overall look of blocks. For example, you can use shape fill to change the color for individual blocks to make the factory building to suit your custom branding.
Create Your Own Diagrams and Illustrations
Using the generic sample content in this animated template, you can easily generate your own diagrams and illustrations with minimum effort. Furthermore, the pre-rendered animations will mix with any added text and images to complement your added details when you customize the slides.
Go to Presenter Media – Animated Factory Puzzle Template for PowerPoint (Standard)
Go to Presenter Media – Animated Factory Puzzle Template for PowerPoint (Widescreen)
Shiny Silver Puzzle Clipart
This earth puzzle clipart with a silver spherical shape depicts a missing piece. Like the jigsaw puzzle template above, this clipart can also help you make puzzle themed templates to reflect different types of ideas and concepts by making use of this static clipart.
Related: Jigsaw Puzzle PowerPoint Templates
Go to Presenter Media – Shiny Silver Puzzle Clipart