Alternative to Lorem Ipsum Text (With Text Generators)

Perhaps one of the most ignored words in digital history is Lorem ipsum. People have become so used to seeing it as sample text on websites, software applications, and templates that many don’t even seem to bother digging into why the term exists. This is precisely why many software developers and designers want to get rid of it. If you need an alternative to Lorem ipsum text, we have you covered!
History of Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum has been used as far back as the 15th Century as placeholder text by printers. The text is thought to have been used to mockup fonts for a specimen book. The Lorem ipsum text was later popularized in the 1960s for typesetting and has evolved into a digital placeholder of choice for many graphic designers and software developers.
What Does Lorem Ipsum Mean?
Lorem ipsum is sample text derived from the Latin term dolorem ipsum, which in English translates as ‘pain itself’. It is an altered version of the text used in 1st Century BC by Roman philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero for his famous dialogue “De finibus bonorum et malorum”, which in English translates as “On the ends of good and evil”.
What is Lorem Ipsum and Why it is Used in Design and Software
Lorem ipsum is used as dummy text to give an idea to designers and developers as to how the real text might appear. A graphic designer might use Lorem ipsum text to see how the text might be displayed or a software developer might want to use the text when developing an application before receiving an actual text from a client. Many websites initially have Lorem ipsum before the actual text is provided by the client for each section. The dummy text helps identify how the user interface will look like when text is added. Today, this is widely used in presentation templates, document templates, documents and even in website themes.
10 Alternative to Lorem Ipsum Text
While Lorem ipsum is widely used in design and software development, many people would rather do away with text that has become ‘pain itself’ for many developers due to its monotony. If you are someone looking for something other than Lorem ipsum text, we have a number of options that can be a better Lorem ipsum alternative for you.
1. DeLorean Ipsum
Among the various alternatives to Lorem ipsum, DeLorean ipsum is among a growing family of alternative text. You can generate this dummy text from this DeLorean ipsum themed website.
2. Meaningful Random Text
If you don’t like Lorem ipsum, you can also use random text that actually means something. While many people use ‘enter text here’ or a similar term, you can also generate random text using online tools like Text Generator to generate text using artificial intelligence. The website is also a Lorem ipsum alternative source, so you are guaranteed to get rid of the annoying dummy text by using random, alternate text generated using machine learning artificial intelligence.
3. Jeffsum
Inspired by Jeff Goldblum, Jeffsum is a random text generator tool that produces funny dummy text based on the sum you pick from the website. Just go to Jeffsum, pick a number and the website will generate a few paragraphs of random text.
4. Rick and Morty Ipsum
As the name suggests, this text is based on the Rick and Morty animated series. Like Jeffsum, you can pick a number to generate your text using Rick and Morty Ipsum.
5. Fille Rama
This text generator provides text inspired by famous TV shows and movies such as Futurama, Dexter, Doctor Who, The Simpsons, Arrested Development, Star Wars, etc. From Fille Rama, you can also get text in HTML and Markdown format.
6. Zombie Ipsum
This is sample text with text that has no real meaning but is zombie-themed. You can grab this text directly from the Zombie ipsum website. You can pick between different text types such as regular, lite, and with 50% more brains!
7. Corporate Ipsum
If you are looking for something a little formal, this website lets you generate text that sounds more formal and technical. Corporate ipsum can be generated by simply picking the number of paragraphs you need to generate your text for.
8. Office Ipsum
If Corporate ipsum is too technical for you, Office ipsum provides dummy text of a corporate nature on a lighter note. You can get a funny version of text based on what you usually hear in meetings, typical client feedback, and even Lorem ipsum.
9. Random Text as Symbols, Characters, Numbers or Words
Another alternative to Lorem ipsum is the use of characters, numbers, symbols, words, mixed, paragraphs and sentences. The Slothman Text Generator is an online tool that generates text based on the number of characters you enter.
10. Text from Classic Writers
Blind Text Generator is an online tool for generating dummy text. You can not only generate Lorem ipsum alternative text but for someone who wants to learn how to generate Lorem ipsum, this website is a quick source of generating it. The available dummy text formats on the website include Lorem ipsum, Cicero, Li Europan lingues, Far far away, Werther, Kafka, and Pangram. You can also pick words, characters, and paragraphs needed to generate text.
Final Words
Sometimes dummy text can help lift the mood of someone working several hours with code and design. We hope our list of alternatives to Lorem ipsum can be a breath of fresh air for anyone who loves to avoid Lorem ipsum and is looking for something a little more interesting.