Animated Education Subjects PowerPoint Template
Animated Education Subjects PowerPoint Template, unlike most educational templates offers a fresh looking slide deck for making educational presentations. This is an interactive presentation template which opens with a slide with icons depicting various subjects including; math, physics. science, creative and language arts, biology and health. Clicking on any of the icons leads you to the slide dedicated to the respective subject.
Interactive Slide Layouts for Different Subjects
While the title slide connects to slides representing different subjects, you can go to the title slide via the home icon located on each content slide, as well as use other interactive buttons situated across various slides. The Biology icon on the slide shown below is meant to take the user to the next slide where you can discuss the subject of biology in detail.
Similarly, the slide below is meant to help you start your subtopic about art, while clicking the Creative Art icon will allow you to move ahead with further elaborating the topic using the next slide. Each subject mentioned in this template has a handful of slides dedicated for discussion. You can also duplicate or add new slides to further discuss each topic.
Edit Slides to Reshape Layouts
The slides are completely editable, as you can change anything by adding or removing slide objects. This is usually the case with all Presenter Media templates, as the developer is known for providing fully editable slides with nifty animations.
Instructions for Editing Animated Slides
Editing the animated slides is quite easy, as the instructions given on various slides makes it possible to identify different key features of the template. All you need to do is to follow the easy instructions to design your slides and to make use of the animated sequences and interactive buttons in the template.
Animated Education Subjects PowerPoint Template is not just a great PPT template for PowerPoint users but also has a Keynote version. If you’re a Keynote user, you can also download the Keynote variant of this template from the download page.
Go to Presenter Media – Animated Education Subjects PowerPoint Template (Standard)
Go to Presenter Media – Animated Education Subjects PowerPoint Template (Widescreen)